Becoming a Freemason

Embark on a transformative journey by exploring the path to becoming a Prince Hall Freemason with the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California. Our organization, rooted in rich traditions, welcomes men aged 18 and older who embrace the belief in a supreme being and exhibit a commendable moral character. To join the esteemed ranks of Prince Hall Freemasonry, aspiring members must be recommended by two current members in good standing, followed by unanimous approval from the Lodge. Our fraternal order is built upon faith-based principles, yet it respects the diverse religious beliefs and political affiliations of its members. Rather than imposing specific doctrines, we uphold a universal system of morality, shrouded in allegory and conveyed through meaningful symbols.

Why Should I Apply to Join?

Motivations for becoming a Freemason vary and are deeply personal. Nevertheless, some frequently cited reasons include:

  • Cultivating enduring friendships
  • Dedication to personal growth through Servant-Leadership
  • Contributing to community welfare through service initiatives
  • Participating in a historic organization, fostering a sense of pride
  • Interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds who align with your values
  • Active involvement in community engagement
  • Acquiring time-honored leadership skills
  • Participating in regular social activities
  • Establishing connections within a global network

How Does One Apply? 2B1ASK1

Aspiring individuals generally initiate the application process directly with the Lodge they wish to join. You can achieve this by either engaging in a conversation with a current member, expressing your interest, and requesting a Petition. Alternatively, you may choose to submit a request using the form below.