Councils & Committees

Welcome to the JAM103 Councils and Committees page, where we provide insight into the integral workings of our Prince Hall Affiliated constituted Lodge. Our operational framework is deeply rooted in democratic principles, facilitated through a robust election process and carried out by our dedicated Councils and Committees. These specialized groups are instrumental in channeling focused efforts and attention to specific facets of Lodge Business and Operations.

Each of these working groups is led by accomplished individuals holding established roles or appointed members who are in good standing with the Lodge. Their commitment ensures that our Lodge functions smoothly, addressing key areas with diligence and expertise. These Councils and Committees convene at their designated schedules, diligently preparing reports and other deliverables ahead of each Stated Meeting.

In addition to the standing committees, the Worshipful Master is vested with the authority to establish ad hoc committees as necessary, allowing for agility and responsiveness to emerging needs and opportunities.

Explore this page to gain a deeper understanding of the dedicated individuals steering the course of JAM103, as we work collectively to uphold the principles of our Lodge and contribute meaningfully to our community.

Council/CommitteeChairMeeting Date or Frequency
Executive Council (EC)Worshipful MasterSunday before the second Saturday of each month
Past Masters Council (PMC)PM Kevin JacksonBimonthly
Board of Trustees (BoT)VACANT
Audit CommitteeSenior WardenMonthly
Hospitality CommitteeJunior Warden
Information Technology & Communications CommitteePM Roy Arellano
Bylaws CommitteePMC
Investigations CommitteeAd Hoc
Social Club CommitteeJunior Warden
Community Outreach CommitteeJunior Warden
Benevolence CommitteeChaplain